I’m currently a 2nd year analyst at a top bank

I’m currently a 2nd year analyst at a top bank

I purchased the Basic Package (as well as the Excel course) to try to better learn Excel functions and formatting as well as brushing up on some modeling skills. I am currently payday online loans Delaware in a job search after being laid off from my first role and I wanted to be sharp for any case study interviews.

I chose WSP mainly because of the message boards on Wall Street Oasis and I also believed the price was right on these packages compared to others.

I thought the courses were great. I went through them rather quickly thanks to the ability to listen at a faster rate. Both packages te much more efficient with my excel skills.

I actually was able to use the skills from both packages to produce some solid case studies for a couple interviews.

As a seasoned business professional recently promoted from an operations focused corporate finance position to a Director of FPA, I purchased the basic package from Wall Street Prep to see if the premium package would be a worthy investment. I was not disappointed.

In reviewing the videos in the initial package, I found them to be very informative. Although I was familiar with the basic structure and connections between the financial statements, it was interesting to get an insider’s view of equity operations and how the modeling is used on Wall Street.

I’d highly recommend the basic package for people in corporate finance functions, and am looking forward to going over the content in the premium package. I also learned a few new formulas in Excel, which rarely happens, and got a view of Wall Street that I did not have prior to going through the material.

My main goal was to get a better all around understanding of modeling, particularly in LBO modeling before I move into PE.

I have really enjoyed the course so far and look forward to finishing it, as I believe it will help me make the transition to PE.

My main goal was to acquire additional modeling skills. I am a Senior Director, Finance so I don’t have too many hands-on opportunities to build models. I’ve sent my team members to attend some of your public courses and they all expressed very high opinions. I really like the completeness of the course materials.

I have a Chemical Engineering undergrad degree and my main goal was to understand the financial impact that inventory movements have in the Financial Statements. A very trustful friend recommended me this program.

I chose this program it because a number of well-known investment banks used it as part of their analyst training

I really enjoyed the course. I was able to structure a plan to avoid obsoletes, and help with the managing of costly obsoletes exits.

It helped me understand the impact that obsolete items in inventories may have, also that this movements are not cash exits but do have movements in the balance sheet, as well as how to read inventories in the financial statements, and so on

My goal is to transition into investment finance and I need to acquire/validate 2 of the foundational skills that would serve in this new career: modeling and valuation.

I am 110% satisfied by the content and by what I’ve seen so far. I like the approach of “just jump in” and develop the financial statement models. I value the self-paced schedule as I need this flexibility within my professional life.The course has also helped me precisely delineate what I want to do in terms of career.

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