This throws the central relationship’s appeal off balance

This throws the central relationship’s appeal off balance

NO STRINGS ATTACHED tries to put a modern spin on the timeworn romantic comedy formula, as it shows a young pair of friends, Emma (Natalie Portman) and Adam (Ashton Kutcher), who decide to have casual sex without any commitments. The movie further twists the traditional norms of relationships by the fact that Emma is the one who wants to eschew commitments and emotions, and Adam is the one who wants a true lasting life partnership.

The movie starts off with a lot of comical � but raunchy and amoral � energy as it attempts to show the alleged fun the couple are having. As time passes, however, Adam falls for Emma, and things get somewhat complicated as she hides a deep secret about why she refuses to become seriously involved with any man. Basically, she’s been shaken deeply by the untimely death of her father and fears losing another man.

Ultimately, the movie drags through Adam’s attempts at a �real� date as it slogs along with uninventive scenes that become repetitive as the couple argues or grows apart before the inevitable reconciliation. The movie errs in its writing by making the audience and Adam wait so long to learn Emma’s problem that she comes off as an unsympathetic shrew for much of the movie. By the time they get together, the story feels rather rote, although the movie does commendably show that commitment is vital to happiness, even though the couple is still cohabitating without marriage. The implication, though, is that the relationship will last and they will marry, since they’ve already been friends for over a decade.

Portman, Kutcher and the rest of the cast are terrific. The movie’s final message of commitment being vital to a satisfying life is a message media-wise viewers will like, but they will be turned off by the excessive raunchiness and cavalier attitude in the movie’s first half. Others may just grow bored with this couple. The happy ending ultimately isn’t unique enough to make NO STRINGS ATTACHED memorable.

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And that’s the story really, because of course you know what will happen. I’m really not giving anything away to say that after a lot of rip-your-clothes-off sex they end up together – but only after Adam falls in love with Emma; they break up when she can’t/won’t commit; the obligatory wedding (her sister’s) that makes Emma realise she loves Adam; and the equally obligatory medical emergency (his dad’s) that makes Adam realise he has to try one more time – because Ivan Reitman’s film, written by Elizabeth Meriwether, is film-making by numbers. It’s a shame, because this could have been a thoroughly original take on the genre, since the guy is the soppy romantic one and the gal is the sex hound, but the exposition is plodding and the love story never truly ignites.

The conventional wisdom is that Los Angeles is �overshot,� but Reitman and his crew pick fantastic locations – from the marina and a downtown market to a decked-out W Hotel and the county museum of art’s relatively new ps – to craft a beautiful looking movie, definitely a step or two up from most studio comedies.

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